WOMEN leading the Energy Transition, 2022
Photo gallery 2022 Edition

Keynote Speakers
The value of women’s leadership in the energy transition, developing the resilience that enables bold decisions and the ability to navigate change.
Dorine Bosman | Chief Investment Officer Port of Amsterdam
Industries benefit from creating a faster energy transition and on featuring examples of women’s leadership in those industries.
Professor Wolf Ketter | Director of the Erasmus Centre for Future Energy Business

the value of women’s leadership in creating an organisational culture of innovation required for change
Professor Hanneke Takkenberg | Executive Director Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations
Aligning industry with policy making in the energy transition.
Marjolein Bot | Lead Energy Amsterdam Economic Board

Entrepreneur and executive with international experience in financial and commercial roles. Has the mentality and the DNA to maximize business value. Engages and commits in an authentic and pragmatic style. Passionate about innovation, collaboration and leadership in the energy transition.
Liesbeth Tuininga Founding partner Vanadis Power
Experience spanning the maritime, energy and retail industries, initiating and leading complex commercial projects from concept to delivery. Recognized as one of the top 100 ‘Duurzame Jongeren’.
Prasanna Colluru | Director of Corporate Strategy Future Proof Shipping
Founded HollandHoutland accelerating the biobased building transition by introducing new approaches for impact assessment, valuation of construction stored carbon, and circular financing.
Chantal van Schaik Entrepeneur Biobased Building Holland Houtland
Decades of experience bringing entrepreneurial, technology-based innovation to commercial realization in complex, multiple-stakeholder projects. Now coaching top level NL-based startups focusing on sustainability, process engineering, pilot-to-demo stage, developing commercial models – especially those led by Female Technical Talent.
Marja Zonnevylle | Non Executive Director Roosenvylle
Experienced entrepreneur and manager with an eye for results and a people-oriented approach. Uses her expertise in the energy transition landscape to implement changes in organizations and to shape plans and collaborations that together turn ideas into action.
Eline Mertens | Program Manager at Elinterim
Senior Vice President Business Development Hydrogen at ENGIE after senior positions at Gasunie, Shell and NAM. She has delivered hydrogen, heating and oil & gas projects in the Netherlands and world-wide. Non-Executive Director of HydrogenOne Capital. HGEN is the first London-listed investment fund dedicated to clean hydrogen. Clean hydrogen has a key role in decarbonisation for the energy transition, and improved air quality.
Afkenel Schipstra | Senior Vice President Business Development Hydrogen ENGIE

Media Coverage

AD, 2022
We’re still buzzing from our Women Leading the Energy Transition event! Thanks to our partners @75inQ & all the great speakers & panelists & close to 100 participants! We aimed to engage, inspire & connect women contributing to the energy transition & that’s exactly what happened pic.twitter.com/sIMK49s2OO
— ECWO (@CentreWomenOrg) May 24, 2022
Morning host
Associate Director of Programmes at the Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations (ECWO)
Executive Director ECWO, Professor of Management Education (RSM) and Professor of Clinical Decision
Making in Cardio-Thoracic Intervention (Erasmus Medical Center)
Professor of Next Generation Information Systems (RSM), Chaired Professor of Information Systems for a Sustainable
Society and Coordinator of the Key Research Initiative Sustainable Smart Energy and Mobility (Univ. of Cologne), Energy Policy
Advisor to the German Federal Government, and Fellow of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Mobility
Coffee Break
Chief Investment Officer of the Port of Amsterdam on the value of women’s leadership in the energy transition and on
developing the resilience that enables bold decisions and the ability to navigate change
Dialogue Guests
Lead Energy, Amsterdam Economic Board
Director Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports | Manager Innovation at Port of Rotterdam
Afternoon host
Managing Director 75inQ
STEM Leaderhip Coach
14.45 – 15.00
Walk to breakout session locations in RSM’s Bayle building (on leaving the Vd Goot building, turn left and walk towards
the Bayle buidling. Take left-hand entrance, follow signs to the appropriate rooms on the ground floor)
Bayle Building
After the panel dialogue, panelists and moderators will split into three breakout sessions. Participants will choose one session and dive deeper into practical and effective approaches that equip women who want to:
Room JB-44
Change Track
Panel Guests
Devote yourself to a career in the energy transition with the tools and approaches to make the critical first steps
Room JB-41
Engage within
Panel Guests
Influence your organisation to participate more actively in the energy transition
Room JB-50
Accelerate Impact
Panel Guests
Leverage your leadership in the energy transition by utilizing more powerful, women-led cross-industry networks to generate and
mobilize collaborative efforts
Walk back to Forumzaal and coffee break
wrap-up & What’s next?
ECWO Associate Director Dorothy Grandia will lead a dialogue among participants to gather insights and provoke action toward utilizing the power of female-led, cross-industry networks to create a faster energy transition.
Networking Drinks
Change Track
Are you looking for inspiration and guidance in taking the first steps towards a career in sustainable energy?
Learn from women who have successfully made the switch during this interactive workshop.
Engage within
Do you see plenty of opportunities for organisation to contribute to the energy transition – but struggle to get support for substantive initiatives?
Facilitators share their best personal leadership practices in this interactive workshop.
accelerate impact
Do you already have a leading role in the energy transition and want to build your network and hear how other leading women overcome challenges to cross-industry collaborative initiatives?
Workshop facilitators will give insight into how to find network partners and more.
Meet and be inspired by women leading the energy transition.
Hosted by 75inQ and ECWO

Join US
We welcome all, but encourage participation of women with at least five years of experience working in:
- Both fossil- and renewable-based energy, including utilities, transportation and policymakers.
- Recent entrants into the energy transition landscape creating a sustainable, renewable-energy-based future.
- Industries increasingly affiliated with demand response and flexibility.
Profits from the event will go to the Dianne Bevelander Memorial Fund which has been established to honour ECWO’s founder through the recognition and development of women’s leadership.

Friday 20 May 2022
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
equals. Amsterdam
Raamgracht 6, Amsterdam