Marcelien Bos-de Koning is a three-time sailing world champion and silver medalist.
As Mayor of your North Sea, she campaigns to increase awareness about the ecosystem of the North Sea. She also works as a communications manager for the Top Sector Water & Maritime and is Chief Solar Officer at renewable energy boat races Solar Sport One.
All about the North Sea
As Mayor of your North Sea, I help a coalition of 35 companies that are actively engaged in their activities on and with the North Sea. We organize events to raise public awareness of the North Sea ecosystem.
The Top Sector Water & Maritime has the ambition to bring new innovations to the market quickly and effectively. As a communications manager at the Top Sector Water & Maritime, I share the relevant policy with all parties involved such as government, knowledge institutions, small and large companies.
I also work with a small team under the banner of Solar Sport One to bring technology closer to youth. Different ages can participate in competitions via Solar Sport One with their own designed solar or hydrogen boat.
The power of nature
Throughout my Olympic career, I could see the oceans getting dirtier. I found it incomprehensible to see the waste from cities flowing into the ocean. We now really need technology to make the world more sustainable.
I’ve always been fascinated by the forces of nature. We can learn a lot from nature when you look at how everything works and what the capacity of her creatures is.
There are countries that recognize rights to nature. I think we will have to do that too.
We need more role models
If you are good at what you do, it does not matter whether you are a woman or a man.
It’s not that women are any less good, but we have fewer women as role models for young girls. But when it comes to gender balance, I think I was spoiled, because I grew up in the Netherlands with parents who mistook me and took my ambitions seriously. Regardless of whether I was their son or daughter. I see that the sailing, energy and technology world that I often enter is a male dominated world, I don’t see that as a threat. Rather as an opportunity to distinguish myself.
Positioning in the energy transition
The energy transition is an incredibly big challenge. . My significant role in this is to deploy my large and diverse network and thus bring people together. This creates an environment in which new insights can flourish and new partners can visit and take initiatives.
Doubt overboard!
The feeling that you are about to achieve your goals must be deep within you.
Women may be impressed or feel like they have to work twice as hard, but that’s not always the case. You have to believe that you have the same qualities as the others, and may be even stronger.
So don’t get overwhelmed and keep following your goals!